Neighborhood Action Plan Summary - Phase I


Year One
Housing *
Mod #s
1.1.A.1 Home Improvement Loans (Owners) _ $386,271.00 $360,000.00 $161,649.00 $93,500.00 _$170,695.53 _$1,001,420.00 $1,001,420.00 $170,695.53 1,3,6,8,10,11,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,28,29
1.1.A.2 Home Improvement Loans (Rental) _ $33,729.00 ___$50,000.00 __$83,729.00 $83,729.00   1,3,4,8,10
1.1.A.3.A Non-Matched Forgivable Loan Program _ $160,000.00 $40,000.00 $49,685.00 ____$249,685.00 $249,685.00   3,5,11
1.1.A.3.B Matched Forgivable Loan Program _ $12,500.00 $52,500.00 $28,666.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 __$153,666.00 $153,666.00   4,11
1.1.B.1 Organize Landlords _ _______      9
1.1.B.3 Demolitions _ $3,750.00 ______$3,750.00 $3,750.00   2,5,7,17,22,27,29
1.1.B.5 Provide Housing Assistance Leads _ ______$20,018.57     $20,018.57 20,30
2.1.A.1 Increase Street Lighting _ _______      9
2.1.B.1 Off-Duty Police Officers _ $14,066.57 $20,000.00 $10,000.00 ____$44,066.57     29
2.1.D.6 Crime Prevention Speakers _ $1,500.00 ______$1,500.00     29
2.1.D.9 Improve Neighborhood Police Coverage _ _______      9,12,29
2.2.A.2 Walking Patrol Equipment _ $1,000.00 ______$1,000.00      
3.1.A.1 Garden at 41st/Lyndale _ $13,628.69 ___$100.00 __$13,728.69     14,30
3.1.B.1 Garden at 42nd/Humboldt Triangle _ $1,140.84 _$300.00 $300.00 $300.00 __$2,040.84     14,29
3.1.D.1 Business Beautification Plan _ $13,950.00 $5,500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 __$20,950.00     9
3.1.F.2 Webber Park - Refinish Picnic Table Legs _ _______      9
3.1.F.3 Webber Park - Improve Plantings _ _______      9
4.1.D.1 Establish Programs _ $5,450.36 ______$5,450.36     9,17,29
4.1.D.2 Webber Park - Adopt-a-Park Program _ _______      29
4.2.A.1 Hamilton School Playground _ $37,500.00 ______$37,500.00      
4.2.A.2 Henry High - Computer Lab _ $29,859.00 ______$29,859.00     9
4.2.A.3 Computer Literacy Classes for Residents _ ____$745.04 __$745.04     29
4.2.B.1 Webber Park - Community Center _ _$154,726.85 _____$154,726.85     9,13,14,15,16,29
5.1.A.1 Information Packets _ _______      9
5.1.B.1 Neighborhood Signs (Metal) _ _______      9
5.1.B.2 Neighborhood Signs (Wood) _ _______      9
5.1.C.1 Family Spring Clean-Up _ _______      9
5.2.A.1 Community Newsletter _ $7,600.00 $3,400.00 $3,400.00 $3,400.00 $1,871.89 __$19,671.89 $14,950.64   9,29,31
5.2.B.1 Implementation - Independent Contractors _ $204,550.00 $134,800.00 $7,600.00 $5,100.00 $1,528.11 $299,538.88 _$353,578.11 $268,719.36 $299,538.88 2,7,9,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,21,23,24,25,26,31
6.1.A.1 Commercial Revolving Loan Fund _ _______      29
6.1.A.2 Special Services District _ _______      9
6.1.A.3 Lamp Post Banners _ _______      9
6.1.A.4 Improve Lighting in Targeted Areas _ _______      17
6.1.A.5 Reuse Arbor Gratings _ _______      9
6.2.B.1 Entrepreneur Development _ $15,000.00 $10,000.00 $5,000.00 ____$30,000.00      
6.2.B.2 New Business Revolving Loan Fund _ $1,750.00 ______$1,750.00     29
6.2.B.3 Emergency Assistance to Businesses _ _______      9
6.2.B.5 Camden Physicians Clinic $116,540.38 _______$116,540.38     5,29
PHASE 1r TOTAL  $196,864.16 $2,873.15 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $254.96     $201,992.27   $370,574.58  
TOTAL$116,540.38 $1,140,109.62 $783,800.00 $267,800.00 $133,800.00 $85,300.00 $2,527,350.00 $1,775,920.00 $860,827.56  
% FOR HOUSING76%    
*Some values in the Total Housing column are administrative costs that are housing related.
No.Plan Step ModifiedApprovedDescription
1Full Action Plan02/05/01The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $50,000 in 2001 from Home Improvement Loans - Owners (Housing 1.A.1.) to Home Improvement Loans - Rental (Housing 1.A.2.). The modification also revises the wording of Home Improvement Loans - Rental (Housing (1.A.2.) to allow funds to be used for the Humboldt Greenway Senior Housing Project.
2Full Action Plan04/11/01The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $24,900 in 1997 from 249 Demolitions (Housing 1.B.3.) to Independent Contractors to Help Implement Plan (Community Empowerment 2.B.).
3Full Action Plan04/11/01The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $50,000 in 1999 to Non-Matched Forgivable Loan Program (Housing 1.A.3A.) from the following two strategies: (1) $40,000 in 1999 from Home Improvement Loans-Owners (Housing 1.A.1.) and (2) $10,000 in 1999 from Home Improvement Loans-Renters (Housing 1.A.2.).
4Full Action Plan08/09/01The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $130,000 ($40,000 in 1998; $30,000 in 1999; $30,000 in 2000; and $30,000 in 2001) to Matched Forgivable Loan Program (Housing 1.A.3B.) from Home Improvement Loans (Rental) (Housing 1.A.2.).
5Full Action Plan08/09/01The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $120,000 in 1997 to Non-Matched Forgivable Loan Program (Housing 1.A.3A.) from the following strategies: (1) $36,541 in 1997 from 249 Demolitions (Housing 1.B.3.); and (2) $83,459 in 1997 from Camden Clinic (Business and Commercial 2.B.5.).
6Full Action Plan07/15/02The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to revise the wording of Home Improvement Loans (Owners) (Housing 1.A.1.) to include deferred loans and add details for three new deferred loan programs.
7Full Action Plan04/30/03 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $24,900 in 1997 from 249 Demolitions (Housing 1.B.3.) to Independent Contractors to Help Implement Plan (Community Empowerment 2.B.).
8Full Action Plan04/19/04 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $25,000 in 1997 to Home Improvement Loans (Owners) (Housing 1.A.1.) from Home Improvement Loans (Rental) (Housing 1.A.2.). The modification also revises the wording of Home Improvement Loans (Owners) (Housing 1.A.1.) to include down payment/closing cost assistance and duplex homes.
9Full Action Plan06/14/04 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $185,791 from the following strategies: (1) $5,000 in 1997 from Organize Landlords (Housing 1.B.1.); (2) $100,000 in 1997 from Increase Street Lighting (Crime and Safety 1.A.1.); (3) $200 in 1997 from Refinish Picnic Table Legs in Park (Greenspace and the Environment 1.F.2.); (4) $141 in 1997 from Computer Lab at Henry High (Youth and Family 2.A.2.); (5) $44,000 in 1998 from Community Center at Webber Park (Youth and Family 2.B.1.); (6) $5,000 in 1997 from Improve Plantings at Webber Park (Greenspace and the Environment 1.F.3.); (7) $11,000 in 1997 from Information Packets (Community Empowerment 1.A.1); (8) $1,450 in 1997 from Neighborhood Signs (Metal) (Community Empowerment 1.B.1.); (9) $1,500 in 1997 from Neighborhood Signs (Wood) (Community Empowerment 1.B.2.); (10) $500 ($100 in each of the years 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001) from Annual Clean-Up, Family Day and Picnic (Community Empowerment 1.C.1.); (11) $5,000 in 1997 from Special Services District (Business and Commercial 1.A.2.); (12) $5,000 in 1998 from Lamppost Banners (Business and Commercial 1.A.3.); (13) $3,000 in 1997 from Reuse Arbor Gratings at Other Sites (Business and Commercial 1.A.5.); and (14) $4,000 in 1997 from Emergency Assistance to Businesses (Business and Commercial 2.B.3.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $44,000 in 1998 to Increase Effectiveness of Police Coverage (Crime and Safety 1.D.9.); (2) $12,950 ($7,950 in 1997 and $5,000 in 1998) to Business Beautification Plan (Greenspace and the Environment 1.D.1.); (3) $12,341 in 1997 to Establish Mentorship Programs (Youth and Family 1.D.1.); (4) $11,500 ($11,100 in 1997 and $100 in each of the years 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001) to Community Newsletter (Community Empowerment 2.A.1.); and (5) $105,000 in 1997 to Independent Contractors to Help Implement Plan (Community Empowerment 2.B.). The modification also revises the wording of two strategies: (1) Community Center at Webber Park (Youth and Family 2.B.1.) is revised to include improvements to the existing facility; and (2) Establish Mentorship Programs (Youth and Family 1.D.1.) is revised to remove mentorship from the strategy.
10Full Action Plan08/03/04The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $1,271 in 1997 to Home Improvement Loans (Owners) (Housing 1.A.1.) from Home Improvement Loans (Rental) (Housing 1.A.2.).
11Full Action Plan12/06/05 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $1,649 in 1999 to Home Improvement Loans (Owners) (Housing 1.A.1.) from the following strategies: (1) $315 in 1999 from Non-Matched Forgivable Loan Program (Housing 1.A.3A.); and (2) $1,334 in 1999 from Matched Forgivable Loan Program (Housing 1.A.3B.).
12Full Action Plan01/09/06 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $25,000 in 1998 to Independent Contractors to Help Implement Plan (Community Empowerment 2.B.) from Increase Effectiveness of Police Coverage (Crime and Safety 1.D.9.).
13Full Action Plan02/28/06 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $25,000 in 1998 to Independent Contractors to Help Implement Plan (Community Empowerment 2.B.) from Community Center at Webber Park (Youth and Family 2.B.1.).
14Full Action Plan08/09/06 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $25,000 ($24,800 in 1998; $100 in 1999; and $100 in 2000) to Independent Contractors to Help Implement Plan (Community Empowerment 2.B.) from the following strategies: (1) $300 ($100 in each of the years 1998, 1999 and 2000) from Garden at 41st and Lyndale (Greenspace and the Environment 1.A.1.); (2) $300 in 1998 from Garden at 42nd and Humboldt Triangle (Greenspace and the Environment 1.B.1.); and (3) $24,400 in 1998 from Community Center at Webber Park (Youth and Family 2.B.1.).
15Full Action Plan11/01/06 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $25,000 in 1998 to Independent Contractors to Help Implement Plan (Community Empowerment 2.B.) from Community Center at Webber Park (Youth and Family 2.B.1.).
16Full Action Plan01/24/07The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $25,000 in 1998 to Independent Contractors to Help Implement Plan (Community Empowerment 2.B.) from Community Center at Webber Park (Youth and Family 2.B.1.).
17Full Action Plan03/21/07The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $125,000 ($35,750 in 1997and $89,250 in Program Income) to Independent Contractors to Help Implement Plan (Community Empowerment 2.B.) from the following strategies: (1) $89,250 in Program Income from Home Improvement Loans (Owners) (Housing 1.A.1.); (2) $9,909 in 1997 from 249 Demolitions (Housing 1.B.3.); (3) $12,341 in 1997 from Establish Mentorship Programs (Youth and Family 1.D.1.); and (4) $13,500 in 1997 from Improve Lighting in Targeted Areas (Business and Commercial 1.A.4.).
18Full Action Plan03/03/08 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $25,000 in Program Income to Independent Contractors to Help Implement Plan (Community Empowerment 2.B.) from Home Improvement Loans (Owners) (Housing 1.A.1.).
19Full Action Plan05/01/08The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $25,000 in Program Income to Independent Contractors to Help Implement Plan (Community Empowerment 2.B.) from Home Improvement Loans (Owners) (Housing 1.A.1.).
20Full Action Plan06/30/08 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $24,000 in Program Income to Provide Housing Assistance Leads (Housing 1.B.5.) from Home Improvement Loans (Owners) (Housing 1.A.1.).
21Full Action Plan10/07/08 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $25,000 in Program Income to Independent Contractors to Help Implement Plan (Community Empowerment 2.B.) from Home Improvement Loans (Owners) (Housing 1.A.1.).
22Full Action Plan12/12/08 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $45,000 in Program Income from Home Improvement Loans (Owners) (Housing 1.A.1.) to 249 Demolitions (Housing 1.B.3.).
23Full Action Plan12/19/08 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $25,000 in Program Income from Home Improvement Loans (Owners) (Housing 1.A.1.) to Independent Contractors to Help Implement Plan (Community Empowerment 2.B.).
24Full Action Plan03/30/09 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $70,288.88 in Program Income from Home Improvement Loans (Owners) (Housing 1.A.1.) to Independent Contractors to Help Implement Plan (Community Empowerment 2.B.).
25Full Action Plan10/02/09The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $25,000 in Program Income from Home Improvement Loans (Owners) (Housing 1.A.1.) to Independent Contractors to Help Implement Plan (Community Empowerment 2.B.).
26Full Action Plan02/05/10The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $15,000 in Program Income from Home Improvement Loans (Owners) (Housing 1.A.1.) to Independent Contractors to Help Implement Plan (Community Empowerment 2.B.).
27Full Action Plan05/02/12The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $25,000 in Program Income from 249 Demolitions (Housing 1.B.3.) to Phase II strategy, Implement Strategies (Phase II Plan, Public Safety and Community Building 1.E.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #27 and Phase II Plan Modificiation #1.)
28Full Action Plan11/08/13The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $25,000 in Program Income from Home Improvement Loans (Owners) (Housing 1.A.1.) to Phase II strategy, Implement Strategies (Phase II Plan, Public Safety and Community Building 1.E.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #28 and Phase II Plan Modificiation #2.)
29Full Action Plan09/22/15The NCR Director, based on the approval of the NRP Policy Board, approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $512,114.11 of Phase I funds to the following Phase II strategies: (1) $47,270.96 to Design/Implement Programs, Events and Services (Public Safety and Community Building 1.C.1.); (2) $155,917.20 to Implement Strategies (Public Safety and Community Building 1.E.1.); (3) $140,675.95 to Housing Revolving Loan Fund Program (Housing and Land Use 1.A.1.); (4) $20,000 to Urgent and Compliance Loan Fund Program (Housing and Land Use 1.A.2.); and (4) $148,250 to Housing Stabilization Initiatives (Housing and Land Use 1.A.3.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #29 and Phase II Plan Modification #3.).
30Full Action Plan01/18/22The Interim NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $10,452.74 ($6,471.31 in 1997 and $3,981.43 in Program Income) to Phase II strategy, Design/Implement Program, Events and Services (Phase II Plan, Public Safety and Community Building 1.C.1.). The funds are reallocated from the following Phase I strategies: (1) $3,981.43 in Program Income from Provide Housing Assistance Leads (Housing 1.B.5.); and (2) $6,471.31 in 1997 from Garden at 41st and Lyndale (Greenspace and the Environment 1.A.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #30 and Phase II Plan Modification #4.)
31Full Action Plan06/21/23The NCR Director approved a administrative adjustment to the plan to reallocate $1,528.11 in 2001 from Community Newsletter (Community Empowerment 2.A.1.) to Independent Contractors to Help Implement Plan (Community Empowerment 2.B.).
32Full Action Plan03/04/25The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $20,000 in Program Income from Phase II strategy, Urgent and Compliance Loan Fund Program (Phase II Plan, Housing and Land Use 1.A.2.) to the following strategies: (1) $8,000 in Program Income to Phase II strategy, Community Coordinator (Phase II Plan, Public Safety and Community Building 1.A.1.); and (2) $12,000 in Program Income to Phase II strategy, Maintain/ Enhance Communication Sharing Services (Phase II Plan, Public Safety and Community Building 1.D.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #32 and Phase II Plan Modification #5.)

Webber-Camden Neighborhood Action Plan Summary (SU-7 P1) run on 03/12/2025 at 7:45 AM